Getting Away
Photo by Don Hickman

There comes a point at which you have to quit getting ready to go, and just go. We reached that on New Year’s Eve 2004. We would have been in better shape but George managed to burn a hole in the dinghy’s high pressure floor. We had to wait for a couple of fairly warm days to patch it, and then the patch didn’t hold. We couldn’t send the dinghy for repair or get a new floor because everything was closed for the holidays. We said to heck with it and bought a new dinghy. By the time we got it to the boat, pumped up and ready to go, it was mid afternoon. Wise cruisers might have gone home, gotten a good night’s sleep and an early start the next day. Not us. We boarded crew and dog, motored down the river a few miles and anchored for the night. Thus we consider this the 2004/2005 cruise.

Next: Southbound

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