Photos are shot on the move. We often wish we would take the time to stop, get closer, change angles, or get better light, but most often we are hurrying ahead to the next anchorage. Weather kept us off the waterway many days and thus we tended to maximize distance when we could run.

On the hook in Georgetown, SC.

In South Carolina the duck hunters covered their boats with reeds making them look more like a tiki-hut than a boat. Unfortunately, the exposure here is not good but maybe you can get the idea.

This sunrise is at Thunderbolt Marina. Lynn liked it because they brought us a paper and 6 Krispy Kreme doghnuts.

We are suckers for sunrises and sunsets and must have shot thousands of them, but here is another pretty sunrise.

Plum Orchard, the old Carnegie estate

Lynn, George, and Toby on the steps at Plum Orchard

Wondering why we stayed tied up at Jacksonville Beach so long? Well this is what the water looked like with the Atlantic Noreaster blowing.

Even in the harbor at St. Augustine it was rough. If these pictures seem dark, they reflect the actual conditions.

A few days later when we went through it was clear. This is the fort at St. Augustine.

Haul Over Canal is a favorite part of the ICW and we frequently see manatee there. This island is on the inland side near Titusville.

A beautiful moon rise at Lake Worth

We played tag with the Fuji blimp down most of the length of Florida. We saw it first, tethered, in Jacksonville and several times later including our last passage into Ft. Lauderdale. In Ft. Lauderdale, we also saw the Goodyear blimp. Lynn is a big fan of blimps so we got LOTS of pictures.